Baby Zeeq’s 5 month jab

Its that time of the month again. Not for me. For baby Zeeq. Its jab time!

Most of the time, I would try my best to take leave or time out for Baby Zeeq’s immunisation appointment. Today, I swapped ED shift with a friend. Which means I’ll be doing the graveyard shift from 4PM to 12MN today.

We went to KK Peringgit early (by 8am), took a number and within half an hour was seen by the staff nurse. He was weighed, measured and general being inspected. We were counselled regarding weaning, hygiene and of course his first meal by next month! Even Baby Zeeq was excited. Too happy probably knowing that he can eat by 6 months that he didnt even cry during the injection. He he. The early birds like ourselves took only one hour for everything to be settled.


Old fashioned baby card


Weight : 7.4Kg. Good growth

3R : Read, Reflect, Respond